Monday, May 3, 2010

Hispanic Market Relevance

The recession forces many businesses to cut programs and department budgets in order to stay afloat. Cuts in advertising to the Hispanic market are among the most common because it poses an easy solution for lowering costs, but may also present unforeseen consequences—especially from competitors that continue to advertising to Hispanics.

When a brand abandons their commitment to the Hispanic market, they are ignoring the power of emerging markets. Hispanics have a strong purchasing power that is forecasted to increase to $1.1 trillion by 2012. Though this recession affects everyone, the Hispanic market happens to be a more stable market than others because their type of work—manual and blue-collar labor—continues to be plentiful.

Also, the cost to effectively reach Hispanics is extremely competitive, not totally because of cost, but consumption. It is a know fact that Hispanics consume more media the average American. Hispanics watch an average of 17.3 hours per week of Spanish language TV and brands can reach 91% of the market with TV alone. Couple this with the fact that Hispanics use TV as a valid source of information; a smaller budget can really make an impact to any brand.

The Hispanic market is more relevant now than ever before. Investment in the Hispanic market makes sense and has the potential for exponential growth. The economic state of America affects everyone, yet Hispanics keep spending. Companies that invest now, during this recession, will ultimately capture the loyalty of the market and grow their brands.

Fausto Gortaire
Account Director
HeadQuareters Advertising Inc.

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